Bram Koning, a MSc-student from Wageningen Univeristy and Research (WUR) specialized in Hydrology, is currently doing fieldwork for his MSc-thesis at CEBAS-CSIC for a three month period (September-December 2017). His work consists of an erosion assessment at an agricultural property near Cabeza de la Plata (Circa 15 km west of Murcia). He will map and quantify soil erosion features for different land management strategies and, subsequently, will try to upscale his findings using GIS software. The research is done under supervision of Jantiene Baartman from the Soil Physics and Land Management group (SLM) of Wageningen Univeristy. Supervision and guidance from CEBAS-CSIC is provided by Maria Martinez-Mena, Pedro Perez Cutillas and Carolina Boix-Fayos.