The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences invited Nacho Querejeta to present a lecture during the Academy Colloquium: “Climate models revisited: the biogeochemical consequences of mycorrhizal dynamics”. The colloquium was held in Amsterdam, 8-10 April 2015, and was organized by Dr K Rebel (Utrecht University), Prof M van der Heijden (Agroscope, Switzerland) and Dr R Phillips (Indiana University). The venue for the colloquium was the seat of the Academy, the 17th century “Trippenhuis” in the centre of Amsterdam. Participation in the colloquium was by invitation only and was limited to 30 invited scholars, of which twelve were invited speakers. The title of Dr. Querejeta’s lecture was “Mycorrhizal mediation of plant responses to forecasted climate change in a Mediterranean semiarid shrubland”.