Italian PhD student, Civil-environmental Engineer with a MSc in Hydraulic Engineering and Violinist.
Antonella Dimotta comes from the Italian National Research Council and University of Basilicata (School of Agricultural School Forestry, Food and Environmental Sciences). Her PhD Program is on land, environmental and forestry science. At CEBAS-CSIC she will study the soil erosion process as affected by land use change, by using the Soil and Water Conservation Research Group’s experience with different environmental modelling and assessment approaches. Antonella applies the InVEST model to model soil erosion and various other incidences on the environmental economic scope at a regional scale (Basilicata, South Italy).
For this purpose, the main goals of her PhD research are the following:
- Soil erosion modeling and methods application in the Mediterranean areas
- On-site and off-site effects due to the soil loss by erosion
- Economic and environmental assessment of the soil erosion effects and impacts
- Economic and environmental impacts on the agricultural productivity
- Landscape evolution and transformation in relation to different territorial scales
- Land Management and Land Use Policy: insights and potential developments.